LASSI Prescriptions

A Concise and Practical Guide to Becoming a Strategic Learner

Prescription #4: Taking Notes During Lectures

In the first three prescriptions the emphases has been on printed materials, but what has been presented pertains equally well to lectures. During lectures, you receive information in a different environment and must make some adjustments to find main ideas.

Learning main ideas is your goal. Supporting details help you accomplish that.

You are more likely to understand material when reading than when listening to a lecture. The difference is the amount of time you have to process the information. The reader can pause, go back, or re-read. Those adjustments are not available during a lecture; the listener has little control of the flow of information. That being said, you can still use a process similar to the one used while reading.

  1. Identify main ideas and distinguish them from supportive comments.
  2. Write main ideas in your own words or write questions that are answered by the main ideas.
  3. Give first priority in your study to understanding main ideas while realizing the supportive material is designed to strengthen those understandings.

You have finished Prescription #4. You have experienced taking notes in a lecture, capturing the main ideas, and including enough supporting information to understand those main ideas. It is recommended that you logout now and take a few days to practice the note-taking process with other lectures. When you come back, we’ll look at a final prescription for selecting main ideas.

If you choose not to logout now, select the Next button to take Prescription #5.